Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Becoming a Paramedic

As an EMS expert, Dr. Gregory Brammer knows the importance the work of paramedics is. Anyone who wishes to pursue this noble profession deserves respect and praise. When it comes to the requirements of the job, any aspiring healthcare professional who wants to work in an out-of-hospital environment would need the following prerequisites.
Dr Gregory Brammer

-High School Diploma
The basic requirement to be a paramedic is graduating from high school. If a student is interested in choosing this profession, they should also take on courses like anatomy and physiology.

-No Criminal Record

Those who had prior problems with the law and committed some kind of felony cannot become paramedics. Paramedics simply need to demonstrate a strong moral code and character before joining the medical field.

-The Applicant Has to Be 18
In order to be a legitimate applicant, one has to be at least 18-years-old. Since having a high school diploma is also a requirement, this is rarely a problem (though it is possible to graduate from high school much younger than that).

-Having Certain Qualities

Those who wish to become a paramedic should possess a combination of skills and qualities, including but not limited to: being a compassionate person; having good listening and interpersonal skills; having a good fitness level; and the capability to solve problems on the go. Those who have these main qualities can almost certainly become devoted and high quality paramedics.

Dr. Gregory Brammer has met his fair share of excellent paramedic colleagues over the years, and hopes that the medical field will never run out of motivated young people.


Thursday, 25 August 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - The Biggest Mistake Public Speakers Make

As one of the foremost experts of his field, Dr. Gregory Brammer often finds himself in situations where he has to speak in front of large audiences. Whether it is a meeting where he acts as keynote speaker or he is required to make a long speech at a conference, he tries to remain as calm as possible. Being prepared takes some of that immense pressure off.

Dr Gregory Brammer When people see someone looking comfortable in front of the microphone, they often assume that the person in question is not nervous. In reality almost everyone feels the pressure in similar situations. Some people can handle these emotions much better, partly because of the different preparation process.

Memorizing Content Doesn’t always Work

Many people make the mistake of memorizing content, which is not necessarily the best method. When trying to give a perfect speech, one can rarely do it by citing a material word-for-word. Unless someone has vast experience as a speaker or is an actor or actress, body language and even tone will likely come off as theatrical when reciting a memorized speech. Try to memorize concepts instead, and that way the brain will organically build the appropriate speech for it. When that happens, the speech will feel more like a conversation, instead of being a pre-learned homework, and the speaker will be able to convey it in a much more natural way.

As someone who has given several dozen of speeches in front of his esteemed colleagues, Dr. Gregory Brammer has developed a surefire system built on concept memorization.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Reasons To Study Electrical Engineering

As an outstanding senior in electrical engineering who earned his degree at the Washington State University, Dr. Gregory Brammer has a highly positive opinion about the field and the education that leads there. While he ultimately chose a medical career, his understanding of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism has proven to be an extremely valuable ally that allowed him to understand the engineering aspect of medicine. This combination has made him one of the most unique and diverse medical professionals in the Greater Seattle Area, if not the entire United States of America. 

                                             Dr Gregory Brammer

Finding a Job with That Degree is Relatively Easy 

When earning a degree in electrical engineering, the probability of finding a job shortly after graduation is significantly higher. Electrical engineers are highly coveted professionals who usually have no problem finding a lucrative job fresh out of university. 

You Can Travel

Electrical engineers have many opportunities to work in different countries, as their expertise is always highly coveted in basically every region around the world. If the expertise is there, employers are willing to hire foreign professionals. 

Advanced Computer Skills 

Electrical engineers need to possess a diverse and deep knowledge on computers, allowing them to showcase a highly varied set of skills. This skill set leads to having extended scope of duties and even more lucrative contracts. 

You Can Do Everything by Yourself 

One of the best aspects of being a top-notch electrical engineer is the “do it yourself” aspect. To an electrical engineer, one of the positive side effects of living in such an electronics-centered world is knowing how things work. As Dr. Gregory Brammer experienced it, when someone possess that kind of knowledge, the “do it yourself” mentality becomes a part of him or her. 

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - The Making of a Great Keynote Speaker

Dr. Gregory Brammer often attends seminars where they rely on his ability to set the tone as a keynote speaker. As someone who has given several dozens of keynote speeches and listened to even more from other colleagues, he has noticed a couple of common elements and qualities in those who generally performed well.

Dr Gregory Brammer They Awoke Curiosity

One of the most important aspects of a good keynote speech is being able to spark the interest, and hopefully the curiosity of the audience. A good speaker can achieve that with a short speech, given that they know their listeners.

Confidence and Credibility

Just like any type of speech, it is very important to have confidence. A good keynote speaker possesses that poise, or at the very least is comfortable enough to deliver. Credibility is also crucial. People are generally more willing to listen to somebody who they know and respect, especially in the medical community.
The Speech is a Vehicle

A good keynote speaker also understands that the convention or meeting is not about them. They are not the main attraction, but rather the middleman who fully understands that the meat and potato comes after they have finished their speech. At the same time, they must be able to sell the main act, even if it is an otherwise legitimately interesting subject on its own merits.

With many keynote speeches under his belt, Dr. Gregory Brammer has the art of keynote speaking down to a science, and he hopes that he will have the honor of delivering many more in the remainder of his career.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Camping Tips for Beginners

Dr. Gregory Brammer is a medical professional who is currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of BrammerMD, and he has been working in emergency medicine for almost twenty years. He understands the importance of being healthy and active, which is why he gets outside to go hiking, mountaineering, and camping. Here are some camping tips for beginners.
Dr Gregory Brammer

Make sure you have plenty of light to set up camp. Many campers make the mistake of getting to a campsite too late, which forces them to set up camp in the dark. Even with a flashlight or headlamp, setting up camp in the dark can be a frustrating process, which will turn a fun getaway into a stressful adventure.

Don’t leave any trace. This is a common rule of thumb for most campgrounds, and it’s especially important if you’re camping in a free camp zone somewhere in national or state forest land. It’s important that you don’t leave any waste behind that isn’t naturally biodegradable so that you don’t harm the environment. Camping is about being outdoors, and you need to preserve the environment in the process.

Have a good understanding of the wildlife in the area. If you’re camping in area where bear activity is common, make sure your food is secured and unreachable by the wildlife at night. The scent of food can attract a bear from a great distance, and it could cause them to go searching campsites for the source. 

Dr. Gregory Brammer is an experienced camper who understands the risks of camping in the wild. He always does what he can to protect the environment, and stay safe.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Tips for Beginners to Hiking

Dr. Gregory Brammer is a medical professional who has been working in emergency medicine for the last nineteen years. As a medical professional, he understands the importance of getting enough exercise, and living a healthy lifestyle. In order to stay healthy, he regularly gets outside to go hiking. Here are some hiking tips for beginners.

Dr Gregory Brammer Remember that hiking is as difficult as you make it. Hikers tend to start out too big when they want to get into the sport, which can be demoralizing. Hiking is not like walking, and it’s often done over much longer distances, and on much tougher terrain. Start out small and easy, and then you can pick up the pace while moving into some higher elevation changes.

Drink water even when you’re not thirsty. You’ll be losing electrolytes and water fast while hiking, especially as a beginner as your muscles develop. Make sure you’re drinking water regularly in order to make up for the loss in fluids, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Hydration packs have come a long way in recent years, and it’s possible to get water without having to stop or open your pack.

Find footwear that’s comfortable to hike in. Most hikers prefer boots, but that’s not the case for everyone. A lot of people enjoy hiking in gym shoes, sandals, or even barefoot. What matters is that you reach your own goals comfortably; nothing works the same for all hikers, so you need to find what works for you.

Dr. Gregory Brammer understands the importance of being healthy, which is something he tries to share with patients and colleagues alike.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Useful Items to Bring on a Hike

Dr. Gregory Brammer is an emergency medical physician who has been working in the field for nearly twenty years. He is also serving as the Chief Executive Officer for BrammerMD, which is a legal medical consulting company. In order to keep himself healthy, he regularly gets outside in order to go hiking. Here are some useful things to bring while hiking.

Dr Gregory Brammer One of the most important things you can bring with you on a hike is extra water. Even if you’re in relatively good shape and the hike is short, you need to bring water in case of emergencies. Emergency situations can occur in the wilderness no matter how experienced you are, and you need to be prepared should the worst case scenario become a reality.

Another important item to bring with you on a hike is knife. A knife is on every survivalist’s list of things to have in an emergency situation, and it can be the difference between life and death in the wilderness. Knives can be used for a variety of things if you know what you’re doing, and if they’re kept sharp, they can be just as useful as a hatchet or axe.

Lastly, make sure you have a comfortable pack. Having a pack is essential on a hike because it allows you to hold gear without losing the use of your hands. They make hiking packs that are incredibly comfortable, have plenty of storage, and even waterproof in case of rain or snow.

Dr Gregory Brammer always makes sure he has what he needs when he goes hiking, and he’s well prepared for any situation.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Useful Tips for Paramedics and EMTs Performing Point-Of-Care Testing

Dr. Gregory Brammer is an expert when it comes to Emergency Medical Services, and he has been serving as a physician in the field for the last nineteen years. One of the most effective and innovative practices he has developed in the field is Point-Of-Care Testing, which allows paramedics and EMTs to perform lab tests while on the go. Here are some tips for professionals in the field.

Practice the procedures as much as possible. This is something that cannot be stressed enough; if you’re a certified EMT or paramedic, practice is absolutely essential in order to be successful out in the field. Even if you know a procedure by heart, you can’t prepare for the stress during an emergency situation. The only way to be successful under pressure is by practicing the procedures as much as you can in your free time.

Understand the instruments you’re using. In order to perform critical lab tests in the field, you have to know exactly what instrument you need in each situation, and you have to have an expert understanding of how that instrument works. Understanding the devices will also help you realize when you should and shouldn’t use them in the field.

Always keep up with regular maintenance on your devices and instruments. If regular maintenance isn’t conducted, your instruments may not be in working order when you need them the most. Maintenance is important because it alerts you to problems before it’s too late.

Dr. Gregory Brammer is recognized as an innovator and educator in the emergency medical services field, and he continues to help people on a large scale.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Getting Past Public Speaking Anxiety

Though he is now an experienced public speaker with hundreds of hours of presentations and speeches under his belt, Dr. Gregory Brammer still remembers how nerve-racking it was to face up to the idea of speaking in front of others for the first time. Many people struggle with anxiety when speaking in public, so try to keep the following in mind to ensure you stay calm and collected when presenting.
If you don’t spend time rehearsing your speech, it is only natural that you are going to feel less than confident when you are called upon to present it to others. Start work early and make sure that your speech has a defined structure for you to follow. Practice delivering it to others, or even in front of the mirror, so that you can make changes to clunky sections and develop a greater understanding of your subject matter.

Be Early
Wake up with plenty of time to get yourself prepared before your speech. Get the clothes you will wear ready the night before, get plenty of rest and enjoy a good breakfast before you make it to the venue. Try to turn up early so that you can get comfortable in your surroundings.

It’s Okay to be Nervous
Dr. Gregory Brammer points out that many of the people in your audience will expect you to be nervous, especially if you are new to public speaking. Don’t feel bad about your nerves, as this causes you to focus more intently on them, leading to frustration that often results in mistakes being made.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Advice For Novice Campers

When he is not busy with his work at BrammerMD, Dr. Gregory Brammer enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. He regularly goes camping, often as part of longer hiking expeditions, and he feels at home when he is surrounded by nature. If you are interested in camping but have never done it before, consider these tips to make sure you get the most out of the experience.

Dr Gregory Brammer Buy A Good Tent

While there are tons of cheap tents available, it is a good idea to actually invest in something that will be able to withstand the elements for prolonged periods of time, especially if you envision camping becoming a regular activity. Nobody wants to end up exposed to bad weather for an entire night because they have purchased a tent that was not fit for purpose.

Always Take A Torch

When you are out in the middle of nowhere you can’t rely on the lights that you would find in the city to illuminate the night for you. This is why it is crucial that you bring a light source with you so that you can find your way around in the dark. Invest in a good torch and make sure that you have fresh batteries and a spare bulb or two so that you don’t find yourself in a situation without light.

Clear Up

Dr. Gregory Brammer is always quick to clear up any mess he makes while camping. In doing so you will preserve the natural environment and ensure that more people get to enjoy camping once your own adventure is concluded.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Tips For Novice Hikers

When he is not busy in his work as a Physician Medical Legal Consultant, Keynote Speaker and I-STAT Expert at BrammerMD, Dr. Gregory Brammer enjoys spending his spare time hiking and mountaineering. He finds that the hobby gets him a little closer to nature and helps him to de-stress after particularly difficult days. If you are new to hiking, try to keep all of these pointers in mind to ensure you get the most out of the activity.
                                              Dr Gregory Brammer

Get Good Boots

Comfort and durability are both traits that you should be looking for in your hiking boots and it is rare to find either in cheaper pairs. Do a little bit of research and invest in a good pair of boots. Your feet will thank you for it later when you start taking on more challenging terrain. You should also make sure you wear the boots in before you go walking.

Start Small

While it may be tempting to take on the most challenging trails in your local area straight away, doing so without experience presents a range of hazards that you would be wise to avoid. Start small with some simple trails so that you can develop the hiking experience you need to tackle harder routes.

Stay Hydrated
Dr. Gregory Brammer enjoys taking long hikes, but this means that he needs to ensure his body doesn’t succumb to dehydration or fatigue. Make sure that you take adequate supplies with you so that you always have water when you need it and can refuel your body to stave off the effects of fatigue.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Dr. Gregory Brammer - Tips For Training Medical Professionals

During the course of a nineteen-year career as an emergency medicine physician, Dr. Gregory Brammer has been responsible for training emergency personnel, including paramedics, on a number of occasions. Providing training in the use of new devices and methods of care is crucial to the continued development of the medical field, so keep all of the following in mind to ensure that the training you provide is as comprehensive and effective as possible.

Treat Your Peers With Respect
Always remember that the people you are providing training to are already highly-trained and will have undergone extensive education in order to provide the care that they offer to patients. Treat this with the respect that it deserves so that you don’t run the risk of alienating the people who are going to be making use of the new system.

Dr Gregory Brammer

Understand The System
Regardless of the system, device or technique that you will be training others to use, it is crucial that you understand the ins and outs so that the training you provide is both accurate and comprehensive. You need to be an authority on the subject to ensure that everybody you train becomes able to make use of the new system properly.

Use Assessments
Dr. Gregory Brammer understands that good staff training makes use of assessments to ensure that the information delivered has been absorbed. Build such assessments into your training programs and use the results to determine whether further education is needed and how you can improve your current training methods.